Announcing: Spotlight Series on Decent Work

Oslo, Norway: Business for Peace is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021 Business for Peace Spotlight Series: Rethinking Systems of Decent Work, 26-28 May. This timely and engaging three-day online event series offers a transformative agenda, contributing to a global reset post COVID-19 of how the business community needs to take an active role in job creation, labour rights, social protection and poverty reduction.
With the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Inclusive Economic Growth setting the agenda, the Series will explore how organisations can work together to address the current needs of all stakeholders in order to tackle the many social and economic challenges arising out of the current crisis and generate innovative solutions to re-building resilient, inclusive and sustainable economies.
Our programme includes opening remarks from Governing Mayor of Oslo, Raymond Johansen; an interview with Nobel prize-winner Joseph Stiglitz on Stakeholder Capitalism; an interview with Sanda Ojiambo, Executive Director at the United Nations Global Compact, on how governments and businesses can “build back better” together; a Youth Workshop; a ReThinking Systems of Decent Work panel including Guy Ryder, Director General, International Labour Organisation, and hearing from Oslo Business for Peace Award Honourees.
“We know what creates peace also creates a thriving economy. To ensure safe and stable societies where people can live and work with dignity we must work together to create strong, vibrant economies where everyone shares in the benefits of economic growth. Opportunities for decent work are as critical to this as a precondition for long-term value creation.”– Per Saxegaard, Founder and Executive Chair, Business for Peace
The 2021 Business for Peace Spotlight Series: Rethinking Systems of Decent Work will take place online 26-28 May 2021. View the full programme and learn more about our speakers. Each digital event is free and open to all members of the public, but advance registration is required.